Hello There.

   My name is Matthew Preston. You've stumbled to my work of art (and work in progress) which is my website. Currently as a dental student at the University of Toronto, I used to specialize in biochemistry and pharmacology, but still generalize in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and computer science. I'm always working to improve my skills in a wide array of subject matter, in hopes that they may be of use someday. What you see here on this website is everything cool that I've done in my time at university, and I hope to accomplish more in the years to come.


Programs I've written

In a variety of different languages

Mega Alignment


Used to view multiple DNA alignments all within one Excel document. Features DNA to protein translation, handling of ambigious nucleotides and amino acids, and customizable colours and matching elements.

Schedule A Creator.vba (under construction)

A visual basic program for the efficient creation of Agreement of Leases. Able to organize large tables of clauses and easily allows for the addition of new ones. Is flexible enough to be used for the filling any other PDF's with built-in textboxes.

Schedule A Creator
CreateBlastDB Workflow


A C++ program designed to effortlessly create reference BLAST databases for bioinformatics. Can transform lists of sequences, GI numbers, taxonomy trees, and even other BLAST databases into a single entity.

Cron Tutorial

A brief introduction in setting up scheduled tasks on a Unix/Linux environment. Includes simple management of server load as well as emailing if problems arise.

Interpolated Gel


A R Script focused on quickly interpolating molecular weights of unknown bands based on a standard weight ladder.