About Me

   Being a student for most of my life, I've always been interested in learning. Whether it may be from understanding the concepts of renal physiology to performing aldol condensation reactions or even TCP/IP protocol, I push myself to further my expertise in a wide variety of subject matter. After all, this encyclopedia-like nature has helped me quickly solve problems which otherwise would have been an absolute impossibility. My endeavours have been used in teaching fellow students, in real estate, and most recently in academia.

Various Traits

  • Used to attend the University of Toronto majoring in Biochemistry and Pharmacology, minoring in Immunology.
  • Now is still at University of Toronto pursuing a Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS).
  • Fluent in these languages: QBasic, Visual Basic, C, C++, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, R, Bash.
  • Proficient in Linux/Unix-like machines; maintains the "ChangLab DNA-Cruncher 5000" server of the Chang Lab.
  • Hobbies include: hiking, camping, kayaking, gemology, bouldering, art.


   Feel free to email at any time: matthewpreston@rogers.com

People to Thank

  • Kelly Li - For inspiring me to make a website in the first place
  • w3schools - For teaching me how to make a website (and neat tricks)
  • Wummel - For getting me to think about GitHub as a website host
  • Daniel E. Cook - For being detailed in his bioinformatical work and demonstrations
  • Mina Ly - For getting me into art
  • Daniel Anania - For helping with some dank programs I've made
Exhibit A: Me